Supernatural Thriller:
The Definition of a Supernatural Thriller is ' the conflict between main characters, usually one of which has supernatural powers. This type of Thriller combines tension of the regular thriller with such basic horror oriented ingredients as ghosts, the occult and psychic phenomenon.
Examples of professional Supernatural Thrillers include:
- Ghost Rider
- Pulse
- The Sixth Sense
- Tales From The Dead
Characteristics Of A Supernatural Thriller Include:
- The characters and lighting are very dark - this hides the identies of the characters and creates suspence with many dark corners
- Involve unnatural beings - aliens and/or the dead (the supernatural)
- The story follows a set template - the characters are happy in their every day lives and jobs - something bad happens to the main characters - they do not understand what is happening - the main characters have to resolve the situation - the 'good' and main characters win
- Characters close to the main characters are either killer or harmed - parents, girl/boyfriend
Social Realist Drama:
The Definition of a Social Realist Drama is ' a representation of social conditions/issues - combination of documentary style and studio filming.
Examples of Professional Social Realist Dramas Include:
- Sweet Sixteen
- The Crowed
- Cathy Come Home
- Made For Each Other
Characteristics Of A Social Realist Drama Include:
- Naturalist Lighting - no studio lighting used only natural sun light, creates a real sense to the film
- Set in a home - domestic space
- no static shots - all camera are hand held, makes the viewer feel that they are involved in the scene and in the room with the actors
- Focus on middle/working class living and their life issues
Adventure For Younger Audiences:
The Definition of a Adventure For Younger Audiences is 'a narrative, protagonist and other major characters are consistently put in danger and that each character is forced to use their skills to over come danger and win against 'evil'
Examples of professional Adventures For Younger Audiences include:
- The Goldern Compuss
- Harry Potter
- The Cronicals Of Narnia
Characteristics Of A Adventure For Young Audiences Include:
- Heavy reliance on CGI (Computer Generated Imagery,) special effects and stunts
- Often have sequels made
- Exotic location (setting) - desert, jungles ect..
- Dangerous places - suggest isolation, unfamiliar setting builds suspense
- Always ends happily - a resolution, main character achieves what they set out to do (save the day)
- Tensions within the group - friends don't like each other, tensions always resolved in the end
- Often orchestral music used
Teenage Romantic Comedy:
The definition of a Teenage Romantic Comedy is 'a narrative, structured stereotypical representations of teenage life and love.'
Examples of professional Teenage Romantic Comedy's include:
- High School Musical
- American Pie
- She's All That
Characteristics Of A Teenage Romantic Comedy Include:
- Set in an American High School
- Main characters just started at the school
- Main characters start very unpopular but at the end of the film are very popular - become accepted in different groups
- Often a black character provides comedy
- Big difference between different groups in the school - 'joc' character, muscle, jacket - 'Geek' glasses, likes education
- Main characters resolve the narrative and fall in love - always a happy ending
The definition of a Crime film is ' involves one or more crimes carried out by main characters in full view of spectator.'
Examples of professional Crime Film include:
- Italian job
- Oceans 11 and 12
- The Dark Knight
- Chinatown
Characteristics Of Crime Films Include:
- Main characters each have a skill that they bring to the crime gang
- Main character is often the biggest Hollywood star and gets the most screen time
- Conflict between two big rival gangs
- Throughout the film there is always threat that the 'good' gang will be caught - 'good' because you want them to succeed in they job.
- Shot duration matches the action - Continuity editing
Labels: Steven